Hello Everyone, I am out in Ohio taking care of my Sister. She has Broken her Pelvis and Shoulder.
So I packed up my 3 cats ( Dexter, Jace and Ms Goldie) and my Dog (Alex). Who on our first day here fell down in a well in the back yard. The cover was blown off by a awful wind storm. Needless to say there were 911 calls firemen and much anxiety... I have to say it was a miracle! Alex was just cold and scared. He came outta of the well completely unscathed. My Sis is doing very well *no pun intended*. I took her to the Dr and things are progressing nicley.
In My Mailbox explores the contents of my mailbox on a weekly basis. If you would like to participate and have your own “In My Mailbox” post, you can find more information
here. (This post was inspired by
The Story Siren and Alea of
Pop Culture Junkie. )
I was happily surprised when I recieved a package From Nancy the Ravenous Reader. My belated Birthday box! She sent me 3 Undead books by MJ Davidson. and................
- The Body Finder ARCby Kimberly Derting (Mar 16, 2010) I am very exctited about this one!
- The Naughty List ARC by Suzanne Young ( Feb 4, 2010)
A Novel Of The Titanic (Distant Waves) ARC by Suzanne Weyn (April 15, 2009)
~I found a used bookstore to explore and what did I find!!!!~
- Tempted a hardcover Review copy Squeeeee.
- And and ARC of Need...
Who would have thought I would have a IMM in Ohio...
That is my IMM what's yours???