I have been a horrible slacker this summer....
Have you ever just had the blogger in you sucked out??
Well, I started a new job, went to NY... Worked some more
Went to New Orleans... Worked some more, well you get the idea.

Yes I have a job LOL but that pic was just to funny not to use.
So between the HEAT, working everyday but Monday,

traveling, and getting caught up with the yard work, I really just haven't had it in me to blog. So to make it up to myself and anyone else who checks into my little world. I will be hosting some give-away's in the near future. I do hope that this will be the end of SLACKER-PALOOZA 2011, but we shall see. I am off tomorrow and will be dropping my car to get an an alignment, having just purchasing 4 new gold filled tires *they must be gold the cost enough*, mowing the yard, and helping my neighbor fix my roof. Then I am hoping for some porch time with Sookie and Eric :o) Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris.
Hope to see you soon... seriously
signed your slacker,